Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP)

Saulteau First Nations’ Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP) is a roadmap to guide the future of our sovereign Nation. It outlines our Nation’s priorities and goals to achieve for the next 20 years and beyond with the overarching intent of enhancing our self-sufficiency, self-governance, and control of our lands without boundaries.

Our CCP will support us as we join and unify with other First Nations politically, economically, socially, and spiritually. Our power and control of our Nation will come from our land and the unity and diversity of our peoples, who will creatively and collaboratively adapt to the changing environments around us.

The CCP will help ensure that our young are well educated and prepared as future leaders to guide our Nation forward. Our elected Council and staff will continue to be creative and innovative in generating economic wealth that is redirected back into programming to support the social welfare of our members. Our brightest minds will be sought-after throughout the world, and we will work together to achieve the best results for all our people.

Through the priorities and goals outlined in this CCP, we will be able to develop the right infrastructure in the right places, attracting two thirds of our member population into our great territory. Our water will remain pure, our food will be safe, and our knowledge of land practices will protect our environment as we continue to be stewards of the land. We will value education as a means to secure jobs for our children’s children and to improve our economic, social, and community wellbeing.

In summary, we strive to be the best community, and to live, work and play surrounded by a natural environment that inspires an active lifestyle and healthy minds. We will have a community spirit that embraces our traditions, respects diversity, and gives everyone the opportunity to reach their full potential “for as long as the sun shines, the grass grows and the rivers flow”.

The CCP is due to be revised in 2029 (every 7 years).

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