Treaty Rights & Environmental Protection

Our main priority is to correspond and interact with community members, industry sectors, ministry and government agencies regarding our collective Treaty 8 Rights to ensure that meaningful consultation is achieved when reviewing resource development projects.

Our goal is to ensure the Nation has a clear understanding of the impacts to our treaty rights as guaranteed under the Constitution section 35.

Some services that involve community input and participation to help gather local knowledge would include:

  • Community Moose Meetings
  • Caribou Penning Projects
  • Community Scoping Meetings
  • Lichen picking Excursions
  • Berry Picking Excursions

TREP and Lands – Contacts

Sandra Alexander
Executive Assistant
Naomi Owens-Beek
Manager Treaty Rights & Environmental Protection
Teena Demeulemeester
TREP-Protection Supervisor
Fernie Garbitt
Referral Technician - Oil & Gas
(250) 788-7289
John Stokmans
Referral Technician - Mining & Natural Resources
(250) 788-7363
Referral Technician - Forestry & Wildlife
Tom Aird
Natural Resource Sector - Aboriginal Liaison
(250) 788-3955
Carmen Richter
Contract Worker – Biologist
Ryan McKay
Lands and Resources Planner
Jessica Eastman
Land Guardian Supervisor
Starr Gauthier
Caribou Guardian Lead