Saulteau First Nations Committees

While Chief and Council are responsible for the governance and guidance of our community on a day to day basis, they are assisted in their work by several committees which focus on specific aspects of our community. The committees report to and make recommendations to Chief and Council and work for the betterment of the community.

Each committee functions differently depending on the responsibilities of the committee. Some committees meet monthly in open session with agendas, minutes and reports available for community members to review. Other committees such as the Special Events Committee only meet quarterly and work to plan, prepare and deliver the special events our community enjoys throughout the year.

Some of the committees SFN have in place include Elder’s Adversary, Youth, Education, Citizenship, Pemmican Days, and Culture Camp Committees.

Saulteau First Nations likes to encourage not only SFN Staff members to take part of the committees, but we also encourage any and all community members to be involved in attending committee meetings as well. Community input is always valued, and we strive to be as transparent as possible within our Nation.