In Person:
Mary Doyle, Crystal Lalonde, Gil Davis, Brooke Walker, Stella Gauthier, Nathan Paquette
Maya Aird, Dan Penner (Urban Systems), Jenine Campbell-Cove, Mia Aird
- Opening Prayer-Mary Doyle
- Agenda Review and Discussions-Dan
- Review last mtg. discussion items
- Content of Draft #1
- Conversation reverted back to Treaty Rights, Tile, Territory, Mgmt.
- Legal mgmt. opinions -April 3 Comm Engagement Sessions planned for community to address concerns
- Draft #1 Review
- 2 sections to review
- Strategic planning, Vision Boarding, assisting Land Code pros and development of laws
- 7 phases of milestones
- currently in phase 3 of the code
- each step, verification required
- 1st draft engagement if membership
- After April 3 Meeting
- template to submit
- arrange C & C meeting to discuss process
- bring back to community (potentially bring Draft #1 of land code @ April 3 meeting)
- Explaining to membership benefits of the code, input from community
- discuss @ community engagement meeting (April 3)
- poll membership of process
- Dan sharing CRP process (document) with committee via teams chat
- Pros/Cons
- Dan putting together list prior to April 3 mtg.
- Jenine to submit list into web page
- questionnaire to membership prior to April 3 mtg.
- Draft Land Code, Review Sections 4, 5, & 6
- SFN Legislative Authority
- Law making powers-laws within framework agreement
- Examples of Land Laws
- Law making procedures-change of laws if not working for us
- Merge land laws-immediate enactment of a law
- Notice and publications of land laws
- Ie. Adopting new land laws, the land office consults with committee, C & C then published for citizens then land meeting is held, draft land law adopt the law for starting point, can be changed thru recommendation from C & C and Lands dept.
- Ie. Consult with community, go thru C & C for review and revisions
- Setting thresholds for voting procedures ex. Taxation, economic development, land section, license for resources, and taxations
- Does this land code provide us the ability to buy more land to turn into reserve?
- Do we want Economic Development on lands?
- Determine is land code going to benefit us in short term?
- Not all parcels of ATR-SFN Lands, do not require to be part of the land code parcels
- CP’s -SFN does not issue Certification of Possession
- SFN does have Certificate of Holdings which apply to the house but, not the land
- Problems arise with CP’s-issues of cp holders with other Nations
- Nation cannot tax people who live on reserve
- Community Engagement
- bring elders to tour Carbon Lake
- telephone calls
- visiting other nations, Fort Nelson and Eskit
- talking to Westcap for their wording in the land code
- land code staff sessions
- youth meetings
- adjusting handouts
- send a questionnaire to the community for an open dialogue
- introducing the 5 people selected for panel
- open forum for questions of the panel, introducing the 5 people selected for panel
- Crystal to send invite to committee members to save the date
- Send an invitation to community members as well for April 3
- Option out-clause to opt out
- Webpage Design to be determined
Next meeting March 19, 2025 (4:30pm for dinner)
Meeting Adjourned: 630 pm